Let’s get to work, Anchorage!

We’ve got big challenges and big opportunities in front of us. It’s going to take a team to make progress. I’m ready to build a strong team at City Hall and get to work as your mayor on July 1.


1) Good government

Staff up departments, balance the budget, and deliver better services, like snow removal

2) Safe streets
and trails

Tackle homelessness, staff up APD, and improve public safety for everyone

3) Building our future

Deliver better economic opportunities, more housing, affordable childcare, and a reliable energy future


The LaFrance administration will be defined by these core values:

  • We are nonpartisan and collaborative.

  • We are low ego problem solvers.

  • Our team reflects Anchorage.

  • We are innovative, knowing outcomes won’t be different until the approach is.

Transition timeline

Election results will be certified on May 31, 2024. In the meantime, we welcome you to get in touch and tell us how you want to get involved!

Check back here after certification for more updates!

Join the team

Want to join the transition, share ideas with Suzanne, or work at City Hall?